Memorandum of cooperation between GRI-Azerbaijan and IPGR-Sadovo (15.07.2024)
Memorandum – Tobacco Institute_North Macedonia
Memorandum – University Kliment Ohridski_North Macedonia
Agreement on cooperation between KazNAIU-Almaty, Kazakhstan and IRGR-Sadovo (22.05.2023)
Agreement on cooperation between KazNIIZiR-Kazakhstan and IRGR-Sadovo (10.05.2023)
Memorandum of Understanding between Institute of Plant Genetic Resources – Sadovo and Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureñа – Santо Domingo (21.09.2022)
Memorandum of Understanding between Institute of Plant Genetic Resources – Sadovo and Centre for Agricultural Research – Martonvasar, Hungary
EEuropean Electronic Catalogue of Plant Genetic Resources EURISCO, Bioversity International (2021-2030)
Memorandum of Understanding between University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania and IPGR Sadovo, Bulgaria, (10.08.2021)
Memorandum of Understanding between Agricultural Research Counsil , Pretoria, Republic of South Africa and IPGR Sadovo, Bulgaria, (18.07.2019)
Memorandum of Understanding between Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia and IPGR Sadovo (30.08.2018)
Memorandum of Understanding between Plant Breeding Research Center, Trakya University – Edirne, Turkey and IPGR Sadovo (28.09.2017)
Protocol for cooperation between The Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal and IPGR Sadovo (11.07.2017)
Cooperation agreement between Institute of Genetics and Cytology at the National Academy of Sciences for Arable Farming, Belarus and IPGR Sadovo (06.10.2016)
Cooperation agreement between Research and Practical Center at the National Academy of Sciences for Arable Farming, Belarus and IPGR Sadovo (01.06.2016)